Pe vremea dacilor, simbolurile primaverii erau confectionate in timpul iernii si se purtau doar dupa 1 Martie. Martisoarele erau, pe atunci, pietricele albe si rosii insirate pe o ata. Alte surse aratau ca martisoarele constau in monede care erau atarnate de fire subtiri de lana, negru cu alb. Tipul de moneda (aur, argint sau bronz) indica statutul social. Ele erau purtate pentru a avea noroc si pentru a avea o vreme buna. Dacii credeau ca aceste amulete aduc fertilitate, frumusete si previn arsurile din cauza soarelui. Acestea erau purtate pana cand copaci.
At the time of the Dacians, the symbols of spring were made in the winter and acted only after March 1. Martisoarele were, then, white and red stones strung on a thread. Other data indicate that martisoarele consist of coins that were hanging thin wool yarn, black and white. The type of currency (gold, silver or bronze) indicate social status. They were worn for luck and to have a good time. Gauls believed these amulets brought fertility, beauty and prevent burns because the sun. They were held until the trees began to bloom and then hanging from their branchesi incepeau sa infloreasca si apoi atarnate de crengile lor.
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