River County has an area of 4054 km ² (1.7% of the country). It is located in the central-south of the country, overlapping Ialomita river basin and the River. Neighboring counties are: Brasov north; Prahova east; Ilfov south-east; Giurgiu south; Teleorman southwest; Arges west.
Judeţul Dâmboviţa are o suprafaţă de 4.054 km² (1,7 % din suprafaţa tarii)Este situat în partea central-sudică a ţării, suprapunându-se bazinelor hidrografice ale râurilor Ialomita şi Dambovita. Judeţele vecine sunt:
Brasov la nord;
Prahova la est;
Ilfov la sud-est;
Giurgiu la sud;
Teleorman est;
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